The Different Types of Muslim Prayer Cap

The muslim prayer cap is a type of head covering worn by men in Muslim cultures.muslim prayer cap It is traditionally used to hide human scalp hair while praying & has inspired many fashion trends over the centuries. From the Kufi to the Taqiyah & the Ghutra, the various caps that Muslims wear around the world are quite diverse & super stylish - reflecting their rich & varied traditions.

Most Muslim societies have a tradition of wearing some kind of a cap (turban) or skullcap when praying in a mosque. This is based on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad who himself wore a turban while he prayed. In fact he considered it a mark of honour and dignity to wear a turban while praying. This basic requisite of covering the head in the presence of Allah has led to a great variety of turbans and cap styles – so long as they do not have a brim which would interfere with the forehead touching the ground during prayers.

In addition to turbans, many Muslims use caps in place of the keffiyeh headscarf for precautionary dissimulation during times of persecution. These caps are called taqiyah and can be any color or pattern. The taqiyah is commonly paired with a ghutra or shemagh to make it more distinctive.

A rounded, brimless felt cap popularly worn in North Africa, Turkey & Central Asia. It is also known as the Fez hat in Turkey, the Pag or Pagri in South Asia & Peci in Indonesia.

A traditional cap that is usually embroidered with a religious text in both Persian & Arabic. This is a common cap for religious scholars & imams. It has been a staple of Pakistani & Afghani culture and is also worn by Mahatma Gandhi. This particular cap was knitted by the wife of a deobandi sheikh in Rampur in 1919 & later became popularly known as the Gandhi Cap.

Muslim prayer cap

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